Welcome to my life...

Hello, kind reader, and thanks for coming! You are probably reading this because you fall into one of the following categories:

1. My family
2. My near and dear friends
3. You accidentally typed in the wrong URL

But if, by chance you are not a part of one of those categories I hope you will still take a minute to read some of my posts. What I'm all about is cancer, particularly adolescent cancer. I had it, I owned it, I beat it, and here I am today. I am now getting my doctorate doing research with adolescent cancer patients and survivors. I came out okay on the other end of something awful, and now I want to make a difference by helping others. The way I see it, it's all about support--helping each other, seeing that someone has been there and made it. When I was 16 I felt completely alone, and I don't want others to feel that way. My idea is that maybe we can help each other by talking and sharing our stories. So here are some of mine...


Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry Christmas!

I hope you had a lovely Christmas holiday. I had a really great holiday filled with family and friends and more family (I have amazing relatives coming out my ears). It was a packed couple of days once we got to Birmingham. We were rather delayed on our way out of town as we had car trouble which led us to a tow truck to the local dealership and then a taxi to the airport to rent a car and then finally back to Birmingham! But once we made it we had a really nice weekend doing all kinds of holiday festive things. Patrick went back yesterday afternoon but it returning on Thursday (hopefully with my car) for the New Year celebration.

I've been reflecting a lot lately about the countless blessings I have in my life and how lucky I am. Even though there is some impending stress (my follow-up tests have been scheduled for January 11th), I just can't get over how fortunate I am. Perhaps it is the time of year when we sit back and think about our many blessings. However, I hope that I (and everyone who I have seen exhibiting extra kindnesses lately) can keep this giving and appreciative spirit going even after the holidays are over for the year. If you have any ideas about how to keep the spirits up, please let me know.

In the mean time, I hope you are all recovering well from your overeating and candy hangovers (just me?) and that you are recycling all of your gift wrap and boxes from the holiday festivities. We have a mountain of recycling to surprise our pick up people with! My advice is to pace yourself, keep up the Purell, and keep Tums within easy reach!


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